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Jul 2016
They tell you that you are a fat, ugly, worthless ******* each and every day, you started to believe it.. You let it drag on to the point it hurt you that much you picked up the blade for the first time and dragged in across your wrist, watching the blood come rushing out feeling the relief, but realising you have made a terrible mistake... The second you cut for the first time you realised it wasn't your last...

You became addicted to cutting.. You cut every night, for months. People eventually found out and the bullying got worse, the fingers started pointing, the whispers as you walk down the school hall all because someone saw the cuts on your arm one day...

One day you decided cutting just wasn't enough for you.. You began to smoke and drink, hoping you'd get cancer and die. You tried to over dose on pills you found in your mums draw. You tried to hang yourself with your dads best rope!

But nothing ever worked...

One day when you're parents were out of town, you sent your best friend a message saying 'goodbye' nothing else... She/he tried to call but you never answer... So they come around you're house and look everywhere for you.., until they find you laying there lifeless.. Wrists cut open, with the knife still in your hand, the pills right next to you with a bottle of jack Daniels... They call the Ambulance, they come rushing in but it was too late... You finally got what you wanted...
Written by
jayme fraser
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