I told you I told you how I feel How you make my heart beat Faster and faster, and then you make it stop I can't breath Butterflies Dizziness Insanity I told you And you never said anything back Nothing at all No response I waited all night But you never said anything You ignored me The next day We were back to normal To you But my heart was broken Shattered Bleeding Alone At least you could be a man Be a man and respond Say yes Say no Don't say nothing You are driving me insane Please help Please stop Please... Just answer me Talk to me Look at me Tell me what you are feeling Hate Love Anger Pity Anything Anything would be better than this Than not saying a word Than not acting different Then not even being able to look me in the eye You are driving me crazy Making me crash Fall Off a cliff Off a mountain Off of the world Into the darkness Alone Never returning Never the same again