The dirt under your fingernails Found its way on me Yet again In the form of indents on my skin This time Red with rage And blue with agony Golden in the bar light Silver in the street
I wanted For so long To cry, to wail, to break Again Like I did on New Years Eve Four years running On the mornings when Another's arms weighed too heavily Or those nights when Telling you to stop Would've hurt your precious feelings
Hand on my drink An anchor A car wreck Like the countless ones you could have Killed me in I witnessed fear Walk out of the shadows And pull up a seat Right next to me Sipping on a cabernet
This time however, It stopped at one Paid the tab And took me by the hand Kissed my forehead Held my face Everything will be alright Carried me over the threshold
You Always you Glued to your pedestal Hands on your beer Or your cigarette Or your limp **** Or on me Scathing Berating Mocking Baiting Manipulating Seconds Minutes Hours Days Silently screaming again again again again why why why why stop stop stop stop monster monster monster monster
Clawing your way after me Shedding your skin Nowhere to hide Reaching reaching reaching reaching Branding me a ******* Liar Selfish Cold Unfaithful Intense Callous Insane