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Jan 2012
I have a sore back today
It made me think of you

Today while I was skiing,
Actually, while I was crashing
There in the air inches from the ice I was destined to hit
I was thinking
I thought of you
And how I hate you for that
You ****.
You make me love you like that
And then you tell me
"Oh yeah...I left you for that girl you kinda dated..."
AndΒ Β I was supposed to be okay?

Tell me you never wanted this to die.
And you were the one who stabbed it in the heart
With your knife of stone
With frozen tears on your cheeks
With the blood on your hands
So please,
Take that to your own grave,
Not mine.

And now I am here
With a sore back
Thinking about you again
Thinking about how I hate you
And thinking about how I love you
And thinking about my stupid cramping stomach
And thinking about that ibuprofen that I took
And and wondering why it's not working
And wondering if I should take more
To end it all...
Ginger Gray
Written by
Ginger Gray
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