How low lies the line, the thin Separation of Earth and Sky, far, far, Beyond the bending ambles, the Solitary gables, where descending pylons, Unroll their cables, deep into the womb Of distant cities.
Bellicose clouds in league with The sea wind, wrest samphire fragments From a sentinel peace, while folding The hamlet in pitying glamours Of harridan water on slate.
In Spartan gardens, Bu-gloss leans Bruised petals hard, by rusted stanchions, as bind-**** , knots the flaking perch Of tumbled gantries, in a throttled Slew of searching.
Melancholy anthems, quiver and hail In the breeze-plucked tune of loose Slung wire. Pleas of long gone mariners Mutter and choir through salted gorse,.. .. Hurry inland to rattle at doors of Norman churches, as if seeking Some last sanctuary.
Wahhaa!!!...had clear this little box of too much Elderflower Gin and Tonic rantings!!!...was good fun though!!!