There's this boy that didn't know Which is the right path to go He just went wherever the wind blows Knocking on full shut doors
There's this girl in the city I would say she's pretty pretty She loves playing with her dolly Everything in her life was just jolly
This Boy, no matter what path he chose is unsure for his guts always opposed But wherever he points his nose is the direction of his toes
While the girl in the city was happy With her friends and her family Everyday was like a party Her pockets always full of candy
No one knew what fate would bring for this two Neither fate knew nothing too
So, the boy went on wherever the river flows Wherever the autumn leaf goes He went to the direction of the winter snow And just went whichever path fate shows
The little girl is now a lady, And yes, she's still pretty But now it's a pity She's starting to feel lonely
The boy is getting older as his confusion starts to grow But ALAS! He found a place that always glow The city, where life is fast but love is slow He thought "I'll be here if this is what fate bestowed"
Now, on the city street was the pretty lady All eyes on her, some went crazy She walked quite unsteady If she knew what fate would bring, she would be ready
The sun rose from the east and the wind blew west The boy was tired and was looking for rest He sat down and relaxed his chest When a lady passed by, He came from being stressed to impressed The lady saw him sitting on the sidewalk The boy was stunned, too stunned to talk With his rugged shirt, he felt bit of electric shock When the lady looked at her...
and tripped on a rock
He couldn't stop laughing, he started crying The lady got up and next thing the guy saw was a high heeled shoe approaching And that is how the boy lost his sight of seeing Now, he couldn't literally know where he is going