I faced you once, long ago surprised at who you were more surprised at who you were NOT. No black cloaked faceless ghost, pointing a bony claw at me, but a woman, luring me to her bed. Her soft bed, so very soft and warm, and with you in it. A temptress, not a thief, as I'd always seen you in my mind. Who knew the call would be a whisper not the cackling cries of an old crone echoing in the dark. But I faced you then and refused your offers and many times since. I enjoyed too much proving others wrong, who saw me dying young, yet died before me. I smile at that, not wishing them dead, but not sorry either, glad to watch them go. I smile on every awakening and the surprise it brings to so many and go on about my days. I won this game already. I'll give you your kiss when ready and I'll determine that the when and the end.