Ive been meaning to write, Ive been meaning to write. But then again there's always someone ive been meaning to write. Theres always someone its about. I open my gmail but most days I dont know where to begin. The card I left you in august just before the leaves turn is still word. Ive been meaning to write you, to tell you life after you has been like a bull and some times it is calm, other days it is dragging me in the mud. When I open my laptop to write, it feels like maybe im running back into a burning house. You know me darling ive never been good at knowing when to let go. you know me darling im an open book with a padlock. What would you think of me. Would you still think me great if I told you that sometimes I held my tongue, that sometimes I held sharp objects alittle too close for comfort. "It was a long time ago im not that person any more" "Ok its just I know cleo used to... so if you need..." "No I could never be that person again" But sometimes life is a bull that drags you in the mud.