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Jun 2016
" Stop asking me questions.
I don't have the answers your looking for. "
" I never have.
And I never will. "
Answer my questions;
Do you love her?
Do you know her heart is beating...
Can you hear her when she screams your name.
No.. You only hear the voices in your head.
Telling you your better off alone.
Telling you, that you don't need her anymore...
To just let her ******* heart rot away till there is only microscopic traces of it left, and watch her as her skies become gray.
Back and forth
Back and forth over and over with meaningless words.
Can you answer my questions?
What of one day she looked into your eyes and returned her pain to you.
Would you answer her then...
J Lee
Written by
J Lee  25/Non-binary/Augusta ME
(25/Non-binary/Augusta ME)   
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