My metaphors for you were oceans homes and Suns more like corner Suns drawn in crayon on a piece of scrap paper with a smiley face drawn over them with a cheap pen almost out of ink with the sky only reaching to the middle of the paper violet instead of blue and the flowers bigger than the people- this was you and color went outside of the lines and I hung it up on my fridge with alphabet magnets spelling out "first love" but I can draw better. it's ripped off the fridge, the magnets spell out "disappointment" the flowers are smaller than the people suns don't sit in the corners of skies the sky reaches higher it's a usually a bluish color, never fully purple. colors never spread outside of lines this is reality. you are old, drawings don't get hung up on the fridge anymore nor good grades Just doctors appointments on your calendar bills that need to be paid and your grocery list your new drawing gets thrown away. Nine to five job Cooking dinner not loving who you sleep next to, this will be all familiar soon. because you are old. but deep down you know it doesn't have to be this way, because now you have new metaphors he shows the nature parks in your state and when you look at him on top of you you think this is better than a corner sun, all the realness surrounding you makes you feel good you don't have to draw it out anymore, no smiley faces on paper because you feel the muscles on your face form into a smile, and the ink does not run you can be whatever you want a beautiful watercolor painting Your colors mixing together, a beautiful far from perfect masterpiece, that doesn't need to be displayed on a fridge to be seen