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Jun 2016
There's a photo
in the dark room
of over exposed minds
that has captured
the proof
of repeated crimes
against humanity  

slowly reducing
the impact of fear
that once fully developed
should bring us to tears

though we are relaxed
of the true reality
what we think
is normal
is an illusion
of normality

if morals
are the building
blocks of our society
where there's a variety
of ways
of losing your sobriety
where morality
takes a back seat
and normalcies
a bad dream

of a wolf
pulling the wool
over the eyes
of soft little sheep
lost in a dream
about to meet a wolf
with a big appetite
big eyes
big teeth
big claws
dig deep
and you too
will see through
it's clever disguise
Written by
Mickinous  Australia
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