It came sweeping over instances Brushing against subtle moments Of circumstances and places We can never quite remember. It bled through the darkness Each time the moon rose And met with her pallid face. It came with the winds That suddenly picked up, As I stood alone, and Watched the world sway from above. Through nights of fragmented dreams, Enveloped through watery thoughts That awoke me with such prominence, I had only expected to be at the bottom Of the saltiest lake. Refractions of light that would come Pronging through waves Breaking sound with immeasurable brightness From the corner of my eye, I recognized you. It was that same foggy hue Glistening silvery white A fish jumping in the morning The ring around the moon I had recognized on you. You are different than I, But white moths keep flocking to me Cumuli build within my eye sockets Like a lightning storm over the desert, Rumbling purple and billowing smoke.