he is screaming but no one can hear him she is singing but no one listens he is lost but no one is looking for him she is searching and finds that she is alone
words go unanswered no matter what is said they fall upon deaf ears and reverberate into deep unknown places an orchestra in the ocean performed in a foreign frequency a song lost in translation heard by many but meaningful to none
he is asking but no one answers she is begging but no one gives he is following but no one leads she is leading but no one will follow
uniqueness is your downfall strength lies in being the same in possessing the inherited dialect of survival that cannot be achieved it is a birth right as natural as your name but instead of deserved solace you received the gift of 52 hertz of loneliness
he is calling but receives no answers she is crying but finds no comfort he is sinking but no one knows she is dying and no one cares*
doomed to drift through bottomless, indigo twilight being carried on the waves of your own erie lament the sound of your sadness is the cause of your isolation your desperate song remains your only hope and it will never cease someone, someday will hear you and answer your heart wrenching pleas someone, someday singing love songs in the deep