Her lips tasted like peaches and I couldn't understand it How we lost track of time and ended up here Is time still passing? Oh my God, this girl This twenty one year old girl who still makes wishes on dandelions and stars This girl who I have been kissing for the last twenty three and a half seconds This girl who is completely blowing my mind out onto the wall behind us and has absolutely no idea I need to figure out how to smile and kiss at the same time I'm holding onto her hair so that I don't float away I'm not convinced that I have a world to come back to after this It took her eleven and three quarters of a second to completely erase everything else that has ever mattered It took me fourteen seconds just to make sense of anything that has happened since we made contact It took me fourteen and a quarter of a second to fall madly in love with her.
Inspired by a line from J.D. Salinger's "A Girl I Knew" "She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together." Please comment :)