This is a hangover From old days gone by Old thoughts grown older Gnarled & tangled Essence of confusion Tired and tried Why can't I sleep? I deserve to sleep Earlier I fell into a dream That was unpleasant Now on antihistamines I feel the pull of undiscovered rest Again at my door There are lessons in dreams There are images I fail to recognize I feel sad & sick & hungry for the world to open up Hungry for myself to open up I am trying I am tired I am beaten down w/ too many Images Thoughts Sounds that hold no bearing I am standing in the kitchen alone Standing at absolute zero Nowhere Gone My proteins come apart My collective memory urges Some insistence Which cannot be known It is a curse--******* it God bless it I love it Earlier I didn't want to Have *** Or talk Or think Or know Or see Or walk Or Be Now I am Wondering what I Always want Rats of the same breed Learn the same tricks Quicker There is evidence for this Hypothesis For fixed laws Constants of nature These are used To convince us of what? Fundamentals? Why is there an interest in anything above or below what is possible of meat? Old libraries Hold volumes Of thoughts Thrown away When new replacements Drop onto the heads Of failure-minds Decimal points Line the walls of thought With tiny values Of whatever you want Whatever sense you make of it There is no science of this No way to explain These years These images This nose Could the speed of light explain it? If so, what are the implications? Is it constant? Is it known? What is known? What has slowed and what has grown and what is hiding in the shadowed distance In the minds of intellectual freak-boys How can you be sure of present values? Can there be such things? In existence? Can you SOLVE it? Can you change? Define a thing Now you are insane Now you are an instant thought Unbound Volume pleases Now unbound Now just pointing At a clown Changing Changing Changing Changing Changing