Here I am, Guilty I'm found Lexington, Oklahoma then prison bound I am ready to do my time Crazy thoughts fill up my mind Wardens and orderlies walk the halls Prisoners sit staring at four walls Lights go out; hear no sound Anytime now, I'm prison bound Another place people get on your nerves Another day; A prisoner serves A DOC #, no longer a name They don't care who you are, just the order you came I'll serve my time day per day; cause of my charges, it works that way Sitting in county awaiting hell - DOC hold, there is no bail Commit the crime, they will hunt you down You too my friend could be Prison bound 1825 days, 5 years to serve for my wrongful ways I get no CAP, no good days served But I do get what they feel I deserved Time, that I do have and I have found That time doesn't matter.... when your Prison bound