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Jun 2016
I am trying to find, something to base my life upon,
Something in this strange world, that goes around and around,
I'm trying to see what's keeping me alive,
I want to know why, I'm trying to survive

I'm seeking for answers, I'm trying to change
To be someone better, someone without rage,
I want to forget, I want to forgive,
All I ever wanted, was freedom to live...

I've been basing my life upon what other people think,
But now I wish I could go back, and do things differently,
I have fought to become, who I am now, and who I want to be,
Now I just have to remind myself, that one day I'll be free

Free from the rules I used to follow as a child,
Where everything was a game and life was so mild,
Sometimes it feels like no one would ever care,
Because times have changed and nothing is fair.

It'd like no one pays attention to what this world has become,
How change is possible if only we joined hands,
I've been dreaming of a better place for me and for you,
Now it's up to all of us to show the world what we can do...

Mechaela Gayle Kolingan
Written by
Mechaela Gayle Kolingan  21/F/Vancouver B.C
(21/F/Vancouver B.C)   
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