Haywired and spiraling through the days Bringing me here today Feeling like its been a decade Changing Maturing Growing Releasing the woman that has been locked away Breaking out now Venturing out now Seeing so crisp what’s in front now Feeling the good from the bad now Painful endings have brought me to this beginning Seemingly unbearable pain is what shoved me forward through every ending But here I am now Slowly, spiraling down to a landing now No longer haywired Just wired, to a semi fix now Enjoying every moment now As I smile Knowing everything has brought me here Its all clear There’s no gain without pain I’m holding a steadiness to push back now Only roots spiraling now Digging deep, digging deep Will continue to grow Mature And only change by force of the seasons Standing now Out in the open Never again to be locked away
Any suggestions on a title, or guidance on looking at this piece again to pull a title out would be much appreciated.