I hurt; I hurt in ways that I cannot say aloud for fear it will consume the air in the room; I hurt with a hundred little cuts that pull open whenever I try to move within this ‘skin’; I hurt when I smile as the sheer falsity of it renders it void; I hurt when people claim they hurt but in reality know nothing of real pain; I hurt…
I ache; I ache for a time when the pain wasn’t real; I ache for respite and for a light at the end of a tunnel; I ache with muscles that long to be used but are instead withered to naught; I ache to smile for a reason and not for someone else’s; I ache…
I hurt; I hurt when I am not with you... I ache; I ache when you are not in my flesh…
And now I can smile…thinking of you…my release... the pain begins to recede…