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Jan 2012
this moment music plays
this moment we dance
this moment you whisper lyrics in my ear
this moment i feel happieness explode within me
this moment a stone lodges its way into my throat
this moment a warm tear forms in the corner of my eye
this moment we both know we will never be excepted
this moment we will always have
this moment when everything in the world is good
this moment when societies opinion doesnt matter
this moment when eachother is all we have
this moment when we both know how the other feels
this moment when i realise ill never truley be over you
this moment when i realise you are the reason i live the reason i get up in the morning
this moment when i realise we can never truley be together and never truley be with one another forever.
Chelsea Ashdown
Written by
Chelsea Ashdown
   Allison Toby
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