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May 2016
Hands upon his head,
Beating out of his chest,
Please rest.
Adrenaline flowing,
Pupils widen, eyes glowing.
You can see it,
The desire to be more.

Lungs fill, lungs empty.
His eyes are shut, tears aplenty.
Chemicals shoot back and forth,
His brain is firing, his mind is torched,
His heart beating towards what he's aspiring.
Grasping what's at hand,
He's regained his sight.
He's been gone for years, an emotional wasteland of hatred and spite.
It's there though,
It's the touch that's caused the spark.
It's brought him back, just look.
Wiping the sweat from his brow,
He panics with what he's missed,
All the lost dreams, the universe's paintings, the mind being kissed.

Is this good or bad?
Seeing from a distance he's happy and sad.
His heart it grows finally,
Rebirth of the Phoenix, emotionally charged, he's brighter, he's higher than a zenith.
Rise, rise, rise good sir,
Step out of that haze!
Step out of that blur!

The rush dims for a minute,
You can see he's found the moment, he's in it.
Emotions turn down slowly,
An unearthly glow about him, something holy.
When it's time to get up he doesn't stand up, there's no rise,
The tears have dissipated, only that twinkle in his eyes.
Reach out to him,
Reach out and ignite,
Burst into life from the dim.

That touch, one single touch between the shoulder blades spacing and he's back to the pacing, eyes widen, heart racing.
The fingers fall from his hand to the sand where they're tracing.
He's alive,
You just witnessed,
Are you glad you didn't blink?
If you did you would've missed it.
Ian J Caldwell
Written by
Ian J Caldwell  Northern Kentucky
(Northern Kentucky)   
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