If I should loose myself Let me loose myself in You.
Let me fall into your embrace Clouds of light so impossibly soft and pure
Lost in the infinite love that you are.
Let me loose myself in you So I can know true compassion
So I shall never underestimate your wisdom So I could never stray from your path
Even if the devil himself sparked the desire.
Let me conquer the Joy that is You Your natural state is joy!
I find joy through you
For you let me In And now I can't find a way out
And I don't want to.
I want to be lost in the mind of god I want to be lost in the spirit of god I want to be lost in the soul of god Of the heart of god Of the bones of god in the hands, feet and nose of god The eyes of god To be the eyes of god not just see through the eyes of god But to BE the eyes for god. so then I could rightfully be the mind of god The spirit of god The soul of god