There has to be something to justify how ugly I am
Be ugly with me
And grind sandpaper skin
Til we can shake the shavings away after the sheets dry
You’ve always wanted to know what it looks like when ugliness leaves you
It looks like dust illuminated inside beams of light
After you’ve decided you’ve collected enough
How good did it feel
When you notched my bedposts with your vampire teeth
Dulling them down so that you couldn’t draw blood anymore?
Not even with your words?
You said that becoming human never seemed easier
Let me second chance
Your too tough tugs
With my lizard tail laughter
And I have two cheeks to turn if you need a third
My shoulder is only cold
Because neither of us know how to hold the other
And Nice
And Capable
Take practice
So I am sorry I rub you the wrong way sometimes
Just that
This kind of black and blue
Looks good on you
And these faded bruises means
We’re healing
Special thanks to g jha for donating the first line to this first line poem. Thank you so much for playing! PS. If it helps at all the integrity of my work, I have been drinking. Just thought I should throw that out there.