When my words act as proverbs When my verbs are heard. When the simple become wise When my people listen to reason And no longer follow folly. When my adjectives invoke action, Instead of reaction. When young eyes are opened To the riddles of the wise. When mother's words are adhered to. When exhortations,mean more than mere suggestions! Recognizing it as a calling forth, a coming near. Til' those who have ears..will no longer hate knowledge; But embrace my words as wise sons And daughters. Children of my proverbs will Use my words to form shields against the wicked-ones. Ones who seek to destroy you. Gather together as sticks In a bundle. Noticing what we have in common,as we Are stronger as one. When my words call you away from harm, And you ignore my warnings. There will be some who will take my words as trill.. And throw the solutions in the garbage, as wasted verbiage My proverbs need now be heard and heeded. Not wait until you realize their needed. Do not look for me in the mist of the storm.... For I an I shall be gone.! leaving the sirens on.