Blink. And this moment will be gone. Washed away in the tears sliding down your cheek as We both breathe in and let the lyrics of silence sweep up To the rooftop like billowing smoke Spilling over the lips of my f.m. radio because they are too Afraid to part from our tongues, filling our lungs with the truth we’re terrified to release, As if speaking the words might shatter the promises we spoke to one another in the dark So many nights ago Skip. Heart beats. And radio songs. Until the clichéd notes embody the danger of understanding Held behind our irises the bitter winter air frosts the back of our throats Into a dagger of honesty. Let’s both just blink and fold our hands into Prayer, begging God that the Stars won’t fall from your eyes because those Were the only ones I’ve ever been able to see clearly enough to Wish upon.
There’s a sliver of moon Slicing across your face Changing shape as you blink.
Changing shape as we change.
Each blink revealing more light until The crescent smoothes out and Wanes into life.
Please, Don‘t let those tears fall from your eyes, They carry too many promises and, Moons aren’t supposed to melt down faces, They’re meant to whisper hope into dreams
So blink, And hold back your sorrows because Tomorrow is only hours away And the sun is rising into The daylight that’s truly reflecting from your pupils.
The moon is only a mirror.
Honestly This moment doesn’t really matter. You’ll blink And it’ll fade into the next. You’ll blink And my wishing star will fall from your eyes You’ll blink And seconds pass Into minutes Into hours And eventually you’ll blink In a new day. A new month A new year Until the tears that once fell are only memories Until the moment was just A blink
You’ll clear your eyes and realize You’re exactly where you are supposed to be And the tears that fell in blinks Watered the garden growing in between your toes and Up to your chest Allowing you to blossom and Stretch the flowers held in your Fingertips up towards heaven To kiss reality with a smile. You’ll blink And you’ll have wings to fly away from all of this
I will know I played my part that night
As the car filled up with our breath that night Our eyes were kept open Unable to shut for even a moment in Absolute fear that if we did The other would disappear Beneath the shattered window of Every word we ever spoke Every safe retreat we built upon A simple embrace The simple act of blinking Never held as much significance As it does when grasping at terrified eyes Peeling back to expose vulnerable Pupils Desperately trying to reach out its arms And embrace some form of light
But that night No stars were shining
And as you buried your face within Praying hands I learned how to blink again Blinking Blinking Blinking As I waited for everything to pass Until I could blink And you’d look up at me with Sun lit eyes A smile held against your Irises And I could blink Knowing the light was coming To wash a glow upon your face And we could meet the sunrise With something beautiful held in our Hands like a surrender flag.
Five has always been my favorite number You’ve always known that. Even before you knew me or My favorite anything Even when we were children and you wouldn’t recognize The shape of my face until We made that first introduction Blinked and you learned my name under The sun lit circle
We both sighed relief As smiles crept across tight skin Because the realization seeped into our bones That you’ve always known that five was my favorite number
Probably because you’ve always known me Even when you thought you didn’t.
You did.
We were always crawling towards this Meant for this.
Love isn’t something that appears to Disappear. It is a growing thing, That starts at the birth of our toes And wraps up each limb like vines until It becomes apart of our voice, And when we speak It forms wings to kiss heaven and tell God of Our triumph. And just like you’ve known my favorite number was five Before you even knew me, Before you even realize you did, There’s always been this love Blinking out from our knowing eyes And fluttering on the wings of butterflies into each others out stretched hands. And although the signs may have been misread And we turned right when we should have turned left There’s still love on our eyelashes for One another, But blinking only shows change And although love doesn’t Dissipate Blinks can etch it into Something we never knew existed So blink, And embrace the revolution Because we both know Five is my favorite number But there is more to this than that.
The sun still shines, And the growth that is Rooting between each ventricle of Our hearts is Leading us along the right path Still connecting us deep beneath our Running feet Even if we run in different directions.
Close your eyes just to open them To something beautifully new.