A funny thing about life You can't use hope and happiness in the same sentence Contrary to popular belief You can't be happy and have hope If you have to hope that tomorrow will be better You are not truly happy The mask you wear above the layer of pain you feel is not who you are You cannot be happy And hope That you can snap out of it for just long enough to stop etching lines of pain and guilt into your skin You cannot be happy and hope that you actually decide you want to wake up and face the sunlight of the next day To others you can be happy They don't have to see the storms that rage above your throat and behind your eyes They don't have to see how what once was a raging forest fire of emotions and joy and happiness and life is now but a single burnt out match not capable of generating enough heat to relight any proverbial kiln Hope is a ***** word It hides it's true intent behind a cloud of positivity And hope is a word I no longer know the meaning of