Learn to let it go…… No matter how huge the fight is……… None can get away with this…… So, learn to let it go…. It might have broken your heart……. It might have crushed your will……. It might have torn you apart….. It might have been shrill…… But learn to let it go…….. Frustration, anger and fear…… And Burden of all these……why to bear?? This life is a gift from God This body is a gift from God Hurting yourself and spoiling lives…… Is a sin committed against God…….. So what someone told a lie? So what you failed? Make yourself so strong that nothing can make you cry…….. Put yourself together so that once more you don’t get betrayed…… And learn to let it go…… Be calm and feel the snow…….. Once my friend said………. “to rise above all this” As there is no gain in pulling the old thread…….. Those words worked as bliss….. And I guess, then I learnt to let all that go………