A girl who stole my heart She had it quick right from the start I saw her once and I knew she was mine I had to get her I didn’t have a lot of time I would see her standing and my heart would race My voice would tremble I couldn’t stay on pace Her cheeks are red and her eyes are blue Sometimes green always something new We played ping pong till night was over It felt like time just stopped and hovered We can laugh till our lungs almost fail So much fun time fly’s like wind through an open sail I can’t think of my life without your smile You’re cute, but preppy style You look at me with those big eyes They are crystal clear like open blue skies I’m so grateful for that night at pro Because now Megan I will never let you go You have reminded me what its like to live You have the biggest heart and love to give Seeing you and your beautiful face These memories I could never erase A city girl and a southern boy Different, you think we would fight like Troy But that’s the thing we don’t at all Sure we might get annoyed but never had a brawl I would say that you’re in my life for a reason It might get hard over the summer season But just know one thing that I hold on Because I know we have an unbreakable bond When we are together I can feel our hearts Nothing and I mean nothing will pull us apart We can face time and laugh all the while Sure it might not be our touchy style We will get through it and it might be hard Ill call you for a surprise sometime catch you off guard When you are missing me just read this It will be like a refreshing kiss These words they will hold you tight When I cant be there for you that night You mean the world to me I hope you know Gosh I’m so happy I went to pro.