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May 2016
Mother, poised and dignified
She offers balance, stability
Shows with love, grace signified
Mildly persuades better, any fallibility
She is angel of gentility

From childhood she’s amazed me
And made me understand
I’d want no other to have raised me
In her nest, yes, she is high command
For courtesy has she at hand

I look at her needlework with love
Loving memories she has sewn
Funny pleasing little notions of
Immense caring ways she has shown
How she does it all, unbeknown?

I love her like no other woman
To her I owe my creation
Warmly crafts she makes so woolen
With this I make last notation
She is friend, an incredible elation
PJ Poesy
Written by
PJ Poesy  Other side of the tracks
(Other side of the tracks)   
   Ja and ---
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