Here I stand at the foot of an empire in ruins, and Here I was expecting an apology- how silly of me. What was I thinking? What are we?
Human, an advanced animal, yet not exempt to be territorial and hostile. Tactile.
Our differences make us change, I grow brighter but you grow sadder and virtually stay the same. Your problems consume you and feel strange, but they're as common as your misconception that anyone else is to blame.
I need you, but if this is effort I don't want you.
I'm stationary, wondering all the while- Why the pants of liars, don't actually catch fire.
Three Strikes, and I'm out, Here's to baseball and wet dreams, and to the bridge you'd be living under had it not been for me.
Two years of this confusion, but the trauma of physical encounters haunt my neurovision. You strike the picture of innocence, the once untouched pure essence.
I just want to be alone so bad, you've shown disrespect for all we had. I say I'm not listening, but truthfully I heard. The real problem is, I don't believe a word.
Neither of us are stealthy, but this isn't healthy. Nothing I do is good enough for you. So you guilt me into living in captivity.
I need you, but if this is effort, I don't want you.