Lunch time is a time I dread. I would much rather be dead than to eat in front of people. The anxious feeling I feel is wondering if they're judging me. Do I chew weird? Do I eat too little? Or maybe I eat too much. Lunch time is a time I dread because we have these 'rules' in society about weight. I've always been judged by my weight. The anxious feeling I feel when I walk through the corridor at school is wondering if they're judging me with their mean eyes and evil grins as I walk past. Does she eat? Should I ask her? Is she okay? Or maybe she's anorexic. If you ask me, I'm quiet flattered by how much strangers worry about me. But the time I will always hate is lunch time. The haunting sound of the bell as I make my way down to the cafeteria wondering if they're judging me.