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May 2016
What is of a warrior wounded, defeated, and tired?
And define a soldier with no courage is a coward.
What names a bird forever banned from the sky?
And what says a wolf that cannot beg for the moon's light.

If purpose is the sure path to happiness,
what am I that I have so much less?

Where and how should the blame rest?
For the soldier and the bird, and even the wolf did their best.

could the message be ever so clear?
Could it be it be true we no longer belong here?

And that voice deep in our head that seems to know all,
what part will it play--to our victory or to our fall?

Enough... cradle your thoughts and let them not grow.
Now say your final goodbye, and take your leave home.
Frantz Saintil
Written by
Frantz Saintil  Gainesville
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