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Jan 2012
The flame winks flirtatiously
Teasing the shadows that dance like gypsies
Gliding across the black backdrop sky
The shadows, frightened in the night
Yet disappear by day
Enter into another realm with infinite languages meshed into one
Making a foreign tongue familiar, opening the mind of the receiver
The flame cast the shadows
In a film all their own
An action without logic
A rhyme with no reason
An opinion without influenceΒ Β 
The eye of the spirit awakens
Opens up to a new world
Which was there all along
Escaping the ordinary
Communicating a reason for existence
And a melody from which the shadows dance
Leaving each a great distance from reality
For an absence of the mind results in a presence with the body
But a closeness with the spirit, an echo through eternity
I wrote this poem while listening to Rosetta ****** by Tool.
Written by
Amanda Jean
   Amanda Jean
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