You go out and get drunk every weekend. You go and ruin your life, And then ask me to fix it.
I stay home and write every weekend, While trying to figure out How to fix your problems.
You go out And then tell me about what happened, When I really don’t care.
I stay home And listen to music and watch movies Which is what I really want to do.
You go out And forget that we were ever friends, At the same time you ‘need’ me.
I stay home And do my homework And then you copy it because you were drunk all weekend.
How do I tell you? That I want to be friends, But not if you keep ruining my life as well as yours.
I want my own life. I want it to go back to the way it was The way we laughed, Stayed up late talking, Dancing in the rain.
But instead You’re coming over to crash Because your parents don’t know that you were out They don’t know that you were drunk.
Why are you dragging me into it? I don’t want to be a part of this I don’t have the time I have my own life to worry about But it mostly consists of taking care of you.
How did this happen? Why am I in this position? I want to be friends But not if it means me lying to your parents Not if it means I don’t have a life.
I don’t know how to help you. I don’t know what to do.