My beloved friend, i miss leaning my body on yours. I can still feel your hands caressing my hair while you kissed me affectionately. We touched when our hearts sought for vague eanderment. Those cups of wine we shared defined how i felt toward you. Your silhouette in the morning had awaken my passion for romance.
I miss your hands on my face. Your strong hands, my love.
Your love for me tasted like the last drop of a cup of summer wine that lingered on the tip of my tongue. I want to share that one drop with you.
My friend, i miss your scent. As i breathed you deep into my soul each time you put your hands on me. When i stared at the blue sky today, i felt your eyes looking into mine heavenly.
I miss those summer days, your bed of nakedness and purity. Your sunburnt skin of youth reflecting the touch we shared.
My beautiful friend... My long-lost love... You touched me as i cut my skin and let you in... You gave me love nobody had ever given me. Pure and passionate.
You touched my youth like my father had. He taught me to love like he had. He showed me the way to conquest when he kissed me.
My beautiful friend, my love, my youth... I long for your kiss to set me free from this torturing passion. A passion for journeys, conquests, and love.