I wouldn’t be where I am without you. I’d still be wandering, wondering. I thought you would be my support, But you showed me that I needed to be my own. You’re easy to get along with, Since you never talk back. Your make up so simple, But I could never recreate you. If I don’t see you for a day, I know that I’ll still be ok, But I need you in my life. I hope no one ever takes you away. I was told that you were my best hope, And you turned out to be the only hope I have. My mind is more free because of you. I can finally go a day without wanting to fall asleep And never awake. So I just wanted to thank you. You never want anything in return, And that’s what we have in common. Who knew that something so small Could make such a big impact on my dismal life. Other people may use you, But they don’t see what I see in you. I see hope, Hope for the future, Hope for a better life, And hope that one day I may never need you again.