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Jan 2012
Where did you go?
Living your dream
You seem so happy
Did you forget about me?

I hope you did
I was holding you back
You were so worried
You just need to laugh

I want you gone
I want you happy
Though I could use a hug
Every now and again

You don't need me
I'm the dust on your feet
I'm baggage you never needed
Shake me off and leave

You're better than me
You don't need this
You deserve the best
Not this burning nest

So I'll see you around
In my dreams I'll love you
In my mind I'll keep you near
But you will forever be free of me
Feedback is appreciated.
Caroline Stradley
Written by
Caroline Stradley  26/F/Austin, TX
(26/F/Austin, TX)   
   Anthony Sexton
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