**** me Just **** me But at the same time Please don't
You have to do it We both know I won't So pull the trigger Drag the blade Let the blood flow You have to do it I won't, I know
I know the pain The pain that I feel The things I can't come back from The wounds that won't heal
The death of my brother The loss of a friend But they just keep saying "This isn't the end"
But what if it is? Maybe that's what I want Not just to die But the choice to give up Not the decision made for me, The command to push on But an option to stop, If that's what I want
Is that such a selfish thought? To end the war that I fought Not us, not we Not you, just me
I was the one that suffered Me, the one that bled Not you, The one putting guilt in my head
I'm done Done fighting, done hoping Done trying But most importantly; Done lying
Saying "I'm okay" when on the inside, I'm crying Dying To be heard, to be loved, to believe Believe that I really am More than I see