No I won't let you hurt me Use me and abuse me My feelings matter too Or are they just toys to you? The clock keeps turning Your words start burning Hands spinning faster Closer to disaster
It's starting to unravel I heard the lies, fought the battle But you don't see that, do you? It just doesn't matter to you
How I think, how I feel You just want me to bow down and kneel Succumb to everything you desire Help you up, lift you higher
But I won't, not anymore Now it's time to even the score Forget about you and focus on me All I can do, all I can be
It's time for me now, no more us No questions asked, nothing to discuss I'm on my own now, I don't need you I like myself more now, and feel better too
I'm going to find out what I can be Because I finally know I don't need you To be **me