Today there was announced the inauguration of a scholarship in the name of my friend and of my friend’s death
It’s at KCL. It’s for dentistry.
So if you want to know her name, go and have a google take a little look and you’ll probably learn more about her than I ever knew. It’s a Portuguese-y name and a German-y surname - you’ll know it when you see it. I’m too ashamed to say it.
I – well, I have no idea why she has a German-y surname I never knew she went to KCL and had forgotten that she was a dentist - assuming I knew. surely I knew?
She was proud of her cakes and generous in her making of them for society events. She was quiet in meetings I think or at least I can’t remember a single contribution she made in them. She was nice to me when I suggested I might run for president. I found her kind of – well, nice. really nice. motherly.
and that’s about all I've got.
but I was ******* torn apart when she died my world, it came away in shreds nothing made sense I had no idea how to move let alone function in my shredded, dissolving world
that was the tipping point, you see. it was after that that I really stopped working that leaving the house started to get too hard and that I had to really really concentrate to keep my hands mo ving through th e washin g up
now I work I leave the house and I wash up with ease I wash up with aplomb with pizazz with an arrogant little swing of the hips to the music
But I am far too ashamed to go to the memorial to my Portuguese friend’s death.
I mourned her too much or perhaps not at all.
She was very nice (I think) and probably a very good dentist. and I will let her friends grieve in peace