Amid the Romans the seven arrive, To work something out to stop the impending war, To everyone it seemed like things were going fine, Until Leo was possessed and attacks the Roman camp, Aboard the ship they fly away, But they have no idea what will happen to them, Throughout their journey they find many clues, Except they don’t always know what to do, Till Annabeth discovers that she needs to leave the group, Against her will Annabeth heads out on her solo quest, Throughout her journey she faces many hardships, Over Tartarus is where she ends up, After Annabeth is finally found by the rest of the seven, Inside Arachne’s web-filled cave, Upon the long lost Athena Parthenos, Above Annabeth is the Argo II, Against their luck the ground is questionably stable, Toward Tartarus Percy and Annabeth fall, Down they fall for what seems like days, Into the place where the monsters lay.
This is just a little prepositional poem I wrote. :)