My little sailor suited girl opens her mouth to laugh
and in pops Mr. Spoon.
Hmmmmmm.....yum yum.
Soon alligator becomes her word
for any eatables whether it be ice cream or scone.
Now she sings heartily to self
my three year old salty sea dog
Tilly's stammer vanished when she sang so I sang to her and got her to sing back to me...the call and response of the sea shanty was an excellent device to utilise. So I would sing to her: "PASS THE BUTTER TILLY...DON'T PET THE BUTTER SILLY!"
The stammer would also be no more if she mimicked voices so we often stepped into the borrowing of W.C. Fields' voice. She would also "N" words so that "porridge! would become "Norrige!" She would also leave the first letter of the word off so that "dog" would become an "OG!" However she would also make up her own words like a little Adam so that a 'cat" was always an. . . "ANA BOOBOO!" She would also slur a sentence into its component sounds and tones and inflections ending in one clear word at the end as in "Wouldyoulikeanicecupof...TEA!" Such are the learning curves when one engages with the delights of the language.
Sung to the tune of BLOW BOYS BLOW!
"O Congo she's a mighty river, ( blow boys blow ) Where fever makes the white man shiver. Blow my bully boys blow!"