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Apr 2016
Shunned liked a hermit
Recluse heart
Wallowing in alienation
Afflicted with vex
Persistent feeling glued to his thoughts

     Tardy when the revelation dawned
Irresistible and irreversible feelings
Lustful eyes in a fine frenzy rolling
Doth cursory look at a he
Sets off unanticipated  secretion of testosterone
And tingling sensation between the legs
He is trapped inside this ****

    Sitting is a herculean  task
Unendurable pain
Yet it feels contentful Hence from the commencement
Inclination engulfed his life
Leading to a point of no return

Face obscured behind shroud of his palm
Face wet with overflow of tear
Pain saturated query
In this world why forth was he brought
The pain don't drown the dejection away

  Dark corner
Alone afraid howling out
Emotions colonizing his brains
Slowly he strips down to his birthday suit
The ghoul in the mirror is nothing like he used to be
Wasted maimed by sadism
An emblem
A permanent tatoo of the wicked life he chose
kelvin mungai
Written by
kelvin mungai  nairobi,kenya
   Got Guanxi
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