Night, pray, notes of a song… Three chord rocker Groans of the trees on a noon walk with the old brown dog Her bark to gain the outside The Strained “s” sound of a ball in flight to soar North wind pounding against the outside wall Measured beat of the sprinklers in summer
Screams of the little blond cousin on the steps When gleeful freedom rages wild inside And safety cradles his growing spirit
Night, pray, words… Unspoken thoughts between old lovers.. “Hello” of friends as they meet again after decades
Young brother and sister in play, familiar, Hushed promises to share Coloring new pages in the same book Heads close together
Hum of a cloistered family at meal time Joining in the delicacies of life At a shared table
Our Father who art…
Night, pray, love… Of later day working family Stretched full And their journey to tie life With a thread of gossamer And not break