'Quit!'-- the most powerful word I know one that I'll never let go-
sounds grandiosely onomatopoeic ( a word that never fails to stick) it shakes the existing foundation and order of things it compels listening and reckoning-
the establishment is held aghast and asks: 'Is this a sting to everything we hold sacred and dear?' ( why should the present masters fear if of their own stand they stand sure?)
'Quit!' a word so final affirmative decisive prophetic as though the bulwarks of the old must give way to the new (and what's that 'new' happening?-- those who are threatened are asking)
' Quit!' how glorious the word! audacious pugnacious cantankerous unrelenting uncompromising non-conforming unflinching unyielding irreverent intransigent belligerent most triumphant !
unashamed contemptuous of the current state of being virtuous as it would not prostrate before what it deems to demean human morality or decency it would not cow to suppression or tyranny-- ' Quit! if you want to be free!'
How often in my youthful days ' Quit!' swamped my mind before those who controlled and bullied me as I was poor and weak with no recourse to any safety nor sanctuary- how they took delight to see me at their mercy-- my misery made them happy
' My time shall come' myself I did promise through sweat and tears I laboured waiting for the dawn when I would shake off the yoke of my unhappy years-
' Patience, patience, patience' to myself a thousand times I said ' The time has not come, you must still wait in more patience, yet more, more and more' --even in the dead of night the word returns to haunt weeks followed days, months followed weeks years followed months, decades followed years my struggle took three decades- the price of freedom didn't come cheap
then came the crowning moment and before the inquisitors I threw my gauntlet looked into their fearful and perplexed eyes and exclaimed : ' I QUIT!' (the most senior of them fell from his seat!).
Quitters of the world unite! you have nothing to lose but your chains!