Could you be the god's lonesome traveler? Or just a spark of light in worlds eyes When you pass the cities that don't want you You always pray (for the sake of their lives)
She was pure and infinite in her doubts with pale hands around your head she was fair and beautiful memory in the mists of graves (and the dead)
If you walk, she’ll walk with you and if you lie, she’ll be gone if you betray, she’ll be crying her heart was given (never won)
The death has hands upon your sinful face The death knows where you came from The death tolls the time of rest for you lonesome traveler (and your roam)
She’ll hunt you down to amber grave with flowers never to be born She’ll kiss your lips with lips of night and take your heart (with hands cold as a stone)
Be gone now for no god is ever to be greeted here in the land of misery and people with hard beds Be gone now for there is no preaching for us for no God ever ruled this land (only death)