I feel wired. I mean weird. Wired and weird. Rearranging the letters is making me dizzy. My eyes don’t want to focus. So they don’t. I let my pupils dilate, relax and unfurl. Images blur. I struggle to make out the words I type in front of me. Can’t tell if they’re sensible, can’t figure out if I care. Maybe I’m tired. I might be tired, but I’m not sure. Thought I was before, so I snorted another pill. And another. And another. And maybe I felt better but I can’t really remember. Now I’m not sure if I ever was tired. Don’t know what I am. I feel disoriented. Confused. Just somehow not right. I can’t grasp the words I need to describe it. I just feel weird. I mean wired. Wait, which was it again? Can’t remember, not sure. My head feels like thick mud, or quicksand. Or something. Or maybe it doesn’t, I’m dizzy again. What was I saying? Right. Wired and weird. Will I ever feel normal again?