I close my eyes for a minute, In my mind I slowly revisit, The memories of that house And how I use to be in it but we're coming to a finish I'm saying, "I love you both", And although I say it in English To the both of you it's foreign, Probably Spanish or Finnish. I tell you 'I love you both', Because you have both Been part of my growth. I tell you 'I love you', even if I can't come around as much My love hasn't wavered as such, and when you two fight, it feels like there's a tight clutch As I grasp for air in my chest Wondering When the bickering Will lay to rest.
I love you both mum and dad, I love you the way you have loved me, And even if we come from A different family tree, Share different facts of biology, I love you no different As if you were my biological Parents, and it's apparent, that we share the same bond.