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Apr 2016
you obviously don't care,
so I'll have to train myself not to.
I cannot sacrifice my sanity for
six seconds of bliss.
I could not even trouble you for a kiss...
you don't care,
you'd hide me if you could.
you won't even give me the decency
that I thought you would.
my heart is as good as cracked...
I know this to be fact.
it's all starting to fade to black.
you are just pushing me away,
just like the rest.
I digress.
you have a lot of things
to show me.
I now believe,
that I'm truly meant,
not to be happy.
you have slain me.
ellis danzel
Written by
ellis danzel  Bloomington, Indiana
(Bloomington, Indiana)   
   Rapunzoll and CapsLock
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