As the cannon erupts The death knell tolls Signaling the end of the war Within myself ============================ For by sheer proximity I am unable to maintain A loving focus No matter how trivial the pain My weapon is set to automatic Never stopping to reload Ignoring every misfire Intending to be the hero Of one scarred with wear Wary of the burdens that weaken Even the greatest of men So I take flight When normalcy arrives Terrified of the notions Where memories reside Preferable to heaven And the wings upon which Angel's fly For it hath become demonic Lamenting in it's path Through death and destruction A heart protecting gas mask That chokes and restrains The natural enmity Between wants and needs Which steadily reigns my dreams Into focus Before I can corrupt your inherent Beauty With anger and greed ============================ Some people never leave the battlefield Others just bring it home with them ============================ We are constant combatants In a war that cannot be won ============================ The saboteur Of the one